Construction on Plant Vogtle. (Photo by Georgia Power Co.)

By Guest Columnist PATTY DURAND, president and founder of Cool Planet Solutions and a candidate for the Georgia Public Service Commission District 2.

As spring approaches, so does the in-service date for Plant Vogtle’s Unit 3, the first of two nuclear reactors under construction in Georgia, and the only nuclear plant under construction in the country. If Unit 3 enters service in April as projected, should we congratulate Georgia Power? And is it time to thank the Georgia Public Service Commission for its approval and oversight? 

If Plant Vogtle comes online, it will be anything but a success story. At $34 billion, Plant Vogtle is the most expensive power plant ever built on earth. That is federal levels of spending by one state on one power plant. And the impact on electric bills will be severe: originally forecast at $5 per month, bills are now estimated to increase by $16.80 per month for just one plant. Those costs could go higher since the plant is not done. As an energy colleague of mine said recently, “Georgians are taking it on the chin for nuclear energy.”

And that is not all. Georgians began paying for Plant Vogtle in 2011 because the Georgia legislature authorized Georgia Power to collect a nuclear tax on every Georgia Power bill, called Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery (NCCR). Combined with cost overruns, the NCCR tax means Georgia Power has racked up an incredible $9.4 billion in profits to date, rewarding them for being years behind schedule. 

Every month on every bill for thirteen years customers have paid this nuclear tax, totaling over $1000 for each Georgia household. Isn’t it past time this tax gets repealed?

Patty Durand is president and founder of Cool Planet Solutions and is a candidate for the Georgia Public Service Commission District 2.

Since electricity produced with nuclear energy is carbon-free, doesn’t that make Plant Vogtle a good thing? It would, except Plant Vogtle’s energy is five times as expensive as electricity produced from solar plus battery storage. 

Let’s be clear: Carbon-free energy was never the reason for Plant Vogtle. Georgia is one of only nine states with no carbon emissions or renewable energy goals. Not only are there no goals, but in July of 2022 elected commissioners at the Georgia Public Service Commission (Ga. PSC) voted to approve the addition of 2,300 megawatts of carbon-emitting gas to Georgia Power’s portfolio. 

Simply put, Plant Vogtle happened because Georgia Power’s business model rewards capital investment. The more costly the investment, the greater the profit. 

The practice of utilities earning profits from building big things worked well in the 20th century when the country needed a massive grid buildout but in the 21st-century public interest needs are drastically different: We want to accelerate clean energy, increase grid resilience, and build a distributed, digital grid that is flexible, engages customers and saves money. Many states have begun to transition towards these goals. 

Instead of celebrating Plant Vogtle, the people of Georgia should know that they have not yet paid the true costs of Plant Vogtle because those costs don’t begin until each reactor is put into service. Some construction costs are already approved but there is still the issue of cost overruns. Public hearings will be held later this year to determine if customers are going to pay billions of dollars for Vogtle’s cost overruns. 

And the PSC should not approve those costs. There is no scenario in which a for-profit corporation like Georgia Power operating in a market economy could earn profits for the management failures that are the hallmark of Plant Vogtle, now seven years overdue and $20 billion over budget. These failures are well documented. 

Regulatory reform is urgently needed so this will never happen again. Georgia Power and the Ga PSC celebrate what they call a “constructive regulatory relationship.” They believe their close relationship benefits all parties, but this is a false narrative of mutual benefit that does not exist. 

Georgia Power is a for-profit corporation with a mission to deliver maximum profits to its parent Southern Company, which must make quarterly earnings reports to Wall Street and issue dividends to stockholders. The Ga PSC is a taxpayer-funded state agency with a mandate to protect the public interest and set just and reasonable rates. These goals are not in alignment. 

The record tells the story: Georgians pay the 7th highest electric bills in the country and are in the bottom 10 for cost-saving programs like energy efficiency and demand response. Energy poverty is among the highest in the nation and over 20,000 Georgia Power customers are disconnected monthly for failure to pay. 

We should not celebrate the harmful financial impact of Plant Vogtle. Instead, we need reform: 

  1. The Georgia legislature should bring back the defunded state’s Consumer Utility Counsel (CUC). Since 2008 Georgia has been one of only three states with no consumer utility advocate. It is unlikely that Plant Vogtle would have been approved with no cost cap or consumer protections with a CUC.
  2. In a competitive market, a for-profit company could never profit from failing to deliver its product on time and on budget for thirteen years. Neither should a regulated monopoly. Let’s have legislation to that effect.
  3. The Georgia legislature should immediately repeal the Nuclear Construction Work in Progress legislation that authorized the NCCR tax. 
  4. Let’s end Georgia Power’s incentive to build big expensive projects. There are numerous ways to adopt utility business model reform. Let’s have an independent commission to study what other states have done.
  5. Finally, the Georgia legislature should rename the Public Service Commission to Public Utility Commission. Voters and consumers do not know what “service” means. Give them some help so they can engage in the energy future they are paying for and must live with.

Without reforms, Georgia Power will continue building big, over-priced projects in pursuit of growing profits. 

And Georgians will keep taking it on the chin. 

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  1. The consumer needs legislation protections from Georgia Power increasing electricity rates. Do away with the current PSC for they give Georgia Power all the want and more. Brings back the State Consumers Utility commissions to make Georgia Power accountable for their mismanagement of nuclear power plant.

  2. I don’t live in Georgia so I’m a casual observer but I think the benefits of this project are understated despite the delays and cost over runs. Having massive base load energy that is price stable and carbon free for decades is huge. Renewables are fine but they are not as carbon free as people think. It would also take millions of solar panels to replace a nuclear reactor and is nowhere near as reliable. I feel for everybody paying higher rates but I know that my power bill has gone up more than $17 in the last couple years. (MN) I’m also assuming that the state and local economy has benefitted as well from all the construction jobs and spinoff activity. As far as the regulatory structure I can’t speak to that. It may need improving. The reason we do nothing in this country anymore is because it’s easier to be a naysayer. This project overcame many obstacles which could not have been predicted ie, Westinghouse’s mismanagement and bankruptcy, Fukashima, Covid 19, even 9/11 caused the NRC to make changes to the design midstream in 2009. Not to mention it’s the first nuclear reactor built in the US in over 30 years and the first AP1000 ever. To just blame Georgia Power seems ridicules. I don’t see how they can be blamed for all the construction delays

  3. Obama asked for more nuclear and guaranteed loans to build, to be Greener.To keep your lights on there has to be constant electricity on line, electricity is real time, what is being produced is being used. As The demand for electricity increases, the units ramp and wind are variable, unreliable and thus cannot keep the grid .

  4. Nuclear is far from carbon-free, and has always been the most expensive way to produce energy. No nuclear plant could have ever made a profit without massive public subsidies. Georgia Power currently has 30% more generating capacity than it is using, and its profits have shot through the roof since taking this project on because of a sweetheart deal with the Ga. legislature and the PSC. First, instead of investing its own money, construction costs have been tacked onto power bills (including mine). We are investing in the most expensive construction project in Georgia history but will never see dividends. Instead of paying investors back, Ga. Power is raising its rates to rake in even more. Second, inexplicably, the more construction targets are delayed, the more profit Ga. Power is allowed to make. This is not “free market capitalism.”

    Besides that, there are two good reasons no nukes have been constructed since Three Mile Island in 1979. First, TMI itself (and later Chernobyl and Fukushima) demonstrated the foolishness of assuming that no human error or “act of God” will ever turn large tracts of real estate into wasteland. And second, for millennia after these plants close down, the radioactive waste they leave behind ensures that the prospect of creating that wasteland will continue to haunt our descendants. Because the cost of containing the waste for thousands of years is incalculable, no one has the slightest idea how much today’s electricity actually costs. We get electricity, Ga. Power gets record-breaking profits, future generations pay for it all. We are all being taken for a ride.

    means ratepayers are investing in something that only Ga. Power

  5. A well written viewpoint. I’d like to see a power
    company rebuttal and thus have more information
    at hand for forming my opinion.

  6. I am a retired technical consultant to power companies. The Southern Company was a major client, and I used to warn them about the cost of nuclear power and the cases of Stranded Assets. If my warnings ever got to the higher-ups they would have not used me again.
    Well done!

    1. They got to “higher ups” George. The cost overruns are profitable and that’s why they did this. It’s exactly what they want.

  7. So how much of the increased costs and overrun can be attributed to lawsuits by anti-nuclear activists designed to delay construction and increase costs to prove they cost to much to build?

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