Posted inColumns, Maria's Metro

A redeveloped and revitalized Civic Center stirs our imagination

By Maria Saporta Selecting a team to redevelop the Civic Center property is just the beginning of what could be a turning point for intown Atlanta. The board of the Atlanta Housing Authority voted unanimously on Aug. 24 to begin formal negotiations with the redevelopment team of Washington, D.C.-based Republic Properties, Camden, N.J.-based Michaels Organization […]

Posted inColumns

By rejecting Integral settlement, AHA will spend money on lawyers instead of housing

Update: The Atlanta Housing Authority met on Feb. 26 after this column had been published, and it voted unanimously to approve an amended settlement with Integral and its partners. After the vote, AHA Chair Chris Edwards said: “Hopefully we’ll get out of the lawsuit business. It stops millions of dollars currently being spent on expensive litigation.”

Posted inColumns

Modular homes can help solve Atlanta’s housing affordability crisis

Longtime Atlanta business leader – Cecil Phillips – has a solution to the city’s affordable housing crisis. Modular housing.Make no mistake. This is not your grandfather’s mobile home. The modular homes being proposed and developed by Phillips match the quality and amenities of new home construction – except they can be built much more quickly and cost significantly less money.